Standing on a stool in a tiny kitchen in San Antonio, watching and helping my grandmother and great grandmother cook dishes that were handed down from one generation to another, not on paper, but by preparing them together as mother and daughter, is a memory etched in my heart. Chatter would fill the room, in both Spanish and English, as the spicy aromas would drift through the house. Their cuisine was a fusion of flavors gathered from life in Puebla, Mexico and San Antonio, Texas, with French influences brought by settlers in Puebla.

My travels around the globe, and the Norwegian side of my family, have also deeply impacted my sense of taste and style of cooking. After my grandmother passed away at ninety-seven years old, I bought her house. For me it is the soul of San Antonio – the place where I can still hear my siblings, cousins, and myself running down the hallway giggling with joy, and where I still smell the chiles drying in the pantry.

Soul of San Antonio is my ode to this city that I love, and to my grandmother. It is a place where I will share stories, recipes, and happenings around town. I hope you enjoy your visit here.

Thank you for stopping by,
